Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Erste Bank - Wake up!

Erste Bank

Erste Bank Austria owns a controlling interest in the largest Czech bank which is called Ceska Sporitelna.

In February 2000, Erste Bank purchased a 52% controlling stake in Ceska Sporitelna. Does Erste Bank shareholders and senior management know however what goes on with their Czech investment?

Does Erste Bank know how Ceska Sporitelna is ripping off customers and refusing to accept any form of blame for the errors and mistakes made by the Czech staff at Ceska Sportitelna. These staff are offcourse indirectly staff of Erste Bank and therefor the quality of the CSAS staff and the services they provide are directly related to the overal image of Erste Bank Ostenreich.

Erste Bank Austria, Please step in to take corrective auctions as the share price for your investment (Ceska Sporitelna) will end up dropping once all the bad publicity hits the fan. This type of inferior service that CSAS gives to it's clientelle can really no longer be accepted and tolerated.

Erste Bank Shareholders - Look after your investment as Erste Bank and Ceska Sporitelna might not be doing so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a shareholder of the Erste Bank, I would like to thank you sincerely for bringing this situation to my attention.

I will demand a full investigation from corporate head quarters. This can not be how clients are treated and cheated as does Ceska Sporitelna.