Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Why does Ceska Sporitelna have an Expat Center?

Ceska Sporitelna has an Expat center for a good reason. Its because almost no one in any of the branches of this shit bank in the Czech Republic speaks any other language then Czech. I mean, Hello!!, Czechs are part of the EU now and a large bank like Ceska Sporitelna had almost no foreign langauge speakers including in the center of Prague where many foreign companies are based as well as many tourists who try to change foreign currency.

This terrible Czech bank known as Ceska Sporitelna opened the expat center with loads of publicity stating that they were so interested in the well being of their foreign clients however this is bullshit. The reason is that otherwise they couldnt deal with foreigners as no one could speak english or german or whatever. The 6 girls or so at the Ceska Sporitelna Expat Center are nothing more then secretairies and translators. You ask them a question by phone or in person and they can never answer your question. They allways need to refer first with "real" account reps.

All of this might be great for a new client of the bank who just arrived in Prague. However Imagine you are a business owner who is turning over millions through this stupid czech bank and you dont speak czech. We had time after time that things went wrong with this Cespa Sporitelna and we wanted to have a proper account rep who we could contact in the future. Offcourse the person had to speak english. We told the mangement of Ceska Sporitelna Erste Bank that we would even switch branch to anywhere in the center. Listen to this: -- After waiting for 9 months and I had to remind them time after time, they came up with some guy. They told me he was hired especially for our company etc. I received his phone nunber and called him as i had some questions. I found out within 10 seconds that the poor guy couldnt speak a word of english. And for that we waited for 9 months. I cant believe that a large international bank (ok well owned by Erste Bank anyway) is unable to find me a proper account rep. I mean those business account reps are normally college graduates and even here they learn english at college so why the hell cant they speak english.I mean at HVB or Raffeisen the doormen even speak english. Compare that with Ceska Sporitelna where the Manager and asistant manager of the main central prague branch on Rytirska both can not speak anything other then Czech. How bad is that? Its hard to believe but it really is the truth about this extremely bad Czech Bank. Ceska Sporitenlna you guys are messed up.

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