Monday, August 07, 2006

What would Good Soldier Svejk have done with

What would good old Solder Svejk do with this horrible bank at I feel very much like him as this bank really thinks we are as dumb as Soldier Svejk looked like. Ceska Sporitelna should however not forget that the good old chap played dumb but in fact saw everything and ended up being right..

We received more terrible service today from this Czech Bank. Why why why, i dont know. They made us a promise some time ago and today they had promised to get the results to us. But guess what... we are only able to reach a secretary at who informs us that all the managers who were dealing with this case are suddenly on holiday including the CEO, the Vice Presidents, the head of Consumer Affairs and others. How is keeping this Czech bank surviving I wonder if all of a sudden all senior management are on holiday. We really have no one to call as all have dissapeared to Miami, Stuffgart, Brno or who knows what place. I wish I could call them on their bullshit as I dontbelieve it. The bank had 3 months nearly to prepare the case and I was promised that in X amount of day this Czech bank would at the latest get back to me. Well now I hear the deadline has been moved and they cant tell me until when. Yeah right.. Ceska Sporitelna at, you guys are the best bank in town (NOT) You guys messed up due to ill training of your staff and now that you have to cough up the money that the other party lost due to your staff's idiotic behaviour, you all of a sudden all go on holiday. Guys act like men and pay up what you owe.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Czech Banks - I sure hope they are better then Ceska Sporitelna

Czech Banks are I hope not of the same horrible quality level as Ceska Sporitelna. I cant imagine the other Czech banks being this bad. I just dont understand the folks of Ceska Sporitelna. I am on the phone with one of them and she suddenly hangs up the phone. That sure pissed me off but I still needed to talk to her. Some one else picked up the line and informs me that the person in question is on holiday. Nice one lady, keep on lying Ceska Sporitelna. I cant believe that any other of the Czech banks would do this . Maybe it works like this: Anyone who gets fired at one of the other banks end up at Ceska Sporitelna. That would be one explanation for their crap service. Better try one of the other Czech banks.

You can try Ebanka, CSOB, or HVB for example. Good thing is that everyone speaks english there and you dont have to pay extra like you do with the Expat Center "membership"

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ceska Sporitelna - Even lying online

Ceska Sporitelna and the truth are 2 completely different things. I was just doing some research and I found some funny stories that I would like to share with you.

I found in the testimonial section of a large English school in Prague some comment from a Prague 2 branch manager. The Ceska Sporitelna manager writes the following:

"I am glad to confirm that Ceska Sporitelna, a.s. District Branch Prague 2 has been a client of The Language House for more than 5 years. All the Ceska Sporitelna employees, who have taken part in The Language courses, were fully satisfied with the level of service that The Language House provided. The cooperation became more frequent when The Language House started the TEFL courses. We have met several Language House teachers and all of them were responsible and professionally working people, always willing to help when we were in need. In general, out of all of the teachers that I have met in Prague, I find the ones trained at The Language House to be the best"

My first question to the author of the above posting is as follows:
Otakar Soucek
Ceska Sporitelna
Director of Branch Prague 2

Its strange to hear that your staff speak english as I have not been able to find any for nearly year now. Even senior management from Ceska Sporitelna does not speak any English or atleast they dont want to communicate in English. I have been told by the senior management at head office that there is no way we can have an English speaking account manager as they dont have any one there that speaks English. I mean how insane is this. One of the largest banks in the Czech Republic and one that is infact foreign owned. You would expect more from this bank This shows you want a horrible bank this is. Ceska Sporotelna.!
No wonder why most prague based companies refuse to deal with this very bad Prague bank

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ceska Sporitelna - Worst Management of Czech Bank

Ceska Sporitelna management has send us letter in which they appologized for some screw up they had done. They contineud with the standard bla bla and ended up offering me better conditions on my account. We were offcourse pleased and were happy the this crap Czech bank finally showed some form of remorse for all the horrible things they did to us.

Anyway so at the end of the month we looked through our bank statements statements found that the conditions given to me were not implemented. As the difference between what I was paying and should be paying ends up being a rather nice sum of money, I felt that I had to finally stand up as I couldnt see why the bank would offer me something and suddenly back out with some lame excuse.

Finally after waiting for weeks I received a reply from the manager that had offered me the original deal. The Ceska Sporitelna Business Support manager said that I could no longer have it as I failed to accept the improved offer. Exuse me Mrs Salzburgerova, you never told us that we needed to accept for the offer to go into effect and secondly you just simply cheat your customers by this completely unproffesional behavious. Make up your mind, or go back to kindergarden or act like a manager. I mean how stupid must Ceska Sporitelna be. Its the same when you offer someone 200 USD on the street. He takes the money and I say, sorry you cant, you had to tell me that you accept my offer of 200 USD. I mean what a load of crap. I have never seen this in an Asian, South american or European bank.l This is complete and utter idiotic behaviour from Ceska Sporitelna, the worst bank in Prague.

Why does Ceska Sporitelna have an Expat Center?

Ceska Sporitelna has an Expat center for a good reason. Its because almost no one in any of the branches of this shit bank in the Czech Republic speaks any other language then Czech. I mean, Hello!!, Czechs are part of the EU now and a large bank like Ceska Sporitelna had almost no foreign langauge speakers including in the center of Prague where many foreign companies are based as well as many tourists who try to change foreign currency.

This terrible Czech bank known as Ceska Sporitelna opened the expat center with loads of publicity stating that they were so interested in the well being of their foreign clients however this is bullshit. The reason is that otherwise they couldnt deal with foreigners as no one could speak english or german or whatever. The 6 girls or so at the Ceska Sporitelna Expat Center are nothing more then secretairies and translators. You ask them a question by phone or in person and they can never answer your question. They allways need to refer first with "real" account reps.

All of this might be great for a new client of the bank who just arrived in Prague. However Imagine you are a business owner who is turning over millions through this stupid czech bank and you dont speak czech. We had time after time that things went wrong with this Cespa Sporitelna and we wanted to have a proper account rep who we could contact in the future. Offcourse the person had to speak english. We told the mangement of Ceska Sporitelna Erste Bank that we would even switch branch to anywhere in the center. Listen to this: -- After waiting for 9 months and I had to remind them time after time, they came up with some guy. They told me he was hired especially for our company etc. I received his phone nunber and called him as i had some questions. I found out within 10 seconds that the poor guy couldnt speak a word of english. And for that we waited for 9 months. I cant believe that a large international bank (ok well owned by Erste Bank anyway) is unable to find me a proper account rep. I mean those business account reps are normally college graduates and even here they learn english at college so why the hell cant they speak english.I mean at HVB or Raffeisen the doormen even speak english. Compare that with Ceska Sporitelna where the Manager and asistant manager of the main central prague branch on Rytirska both can not speak anything other then Czech. How bad is that? Its hard to believe but it really is the truth about this extremely bad Czech Bank. Ceska Sporitenlna you guys are messed up.